Infocom Purists - DO NOT READ THIS!

OK, now that the purists are gone, to everyone else who is left, here's what's happening with Status Line Classics v2. To coincide with the release of Status Line v3.0, I'm preparing ("porting?") a number of Infocom classics to format nicely on Pico-8's cozy screen. Some games do an admirable job of being as flexible as possible to screens of various sizes. However, some just flat out refuse to even launch.

Of the ones that do launch, they can often look cramped/truncated on the Pico-8's 32 character-wide display. So, I'm going through Infocom source code and altering stubborn games. This involves

  • reformatting "formatted" text (signage, quote boxes, 'computer terminals', etc.)
  • being judicious with the bold font
  • tightening up status bar layouts
  • taking a scalpel to Invisiclue questions

Important Note!

Remember, if a game launches, you do not need to use the Status Line Classics version! The original, untouched game will work just fine though you will have to put up with weird line breaks, overlapping status bar elements, and potentially even missing text (displaying off-screen). The gameplay should be accurate, though this can render some games inaccessible to new players.

Here's some before and after images to show what I'm working on.

Border Zone

BEFORE: In chapter 3, the apartment directory wants a minimum 39 character-wide display
AFTER: Light truncation of names in the apartment list lets us display a properly formatted table and preserve original puzzle intent.


BEFORE: Various signage just refuses to display, though the signs can contain puzzle information.
AFTER: Changing line break positioning (and a tiny bit of rewording) we can get even the largest sign to display.

Solid Gold Invisiclues

BEFORE: Zork1 .z5 edition refuses to launch without a 38 character-wide display.
HACK: We can overwrite the "38" as the limiting check for launch and force Zork1 to accept 32 characters. Alas, Invisiclues get kind of weird.
AFTER: With a little creative license in the wording and tightening up the menu, we have something quite useable.

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